My name is Fiona Macleod-Iyer Picard and I'm a Scottish-Indian American living in Copenhagen. I've worked across experience design, social impact projects and creative roles within the food industry. I have a BA in Philosophy and Ethics, a BS in Designing Societies, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. I'm currently working on a collection of short stories about women and food. When I'm not writing or teaching workshops, I'm outside in nature or on café terraces with friends and family.

2024: Teaching the Copenhagen Writers' Circle, a bimonthly fiction workshop
2023: The Writing Room
Life Writing and Memoir with Gio Iozzi
Volunteer creative writing workshops at Copenhagen refugee welcome house
2022/23: MFA in Creative Writing,
American College Dublin
(Admitted into MA in Creative Writing programs at University of Edinburgh, Goldsmiths-University of London + University College Dublin)
2022: Iowa Writers' Workshop
Fiction with director Lan Samantha Chang
(Acceptance to Tin House Workshop 2022)
2021: Goldsmiths, University of London
Short Fiction with Gio Iozzi
2020: Gotham Writers' Workshop
Poetry with Michael Montlack
2019: Faber Academy
Fiction with Tom Bromley
2018: Minerva University
Creative Writing with Gillian Osborne